I-Leacree Ikhishwe Izinombolo Zengxenye Yengxenye Ye-Shock-to-Range Entsha engama-26

I-Leacree 3-12 News Bulletin
I-Leacree 3-12 News BulletinI-Leacree 3-12 News Bulletin

Isimemezelo Semikhiqizo Emisha
I-Leacree inikeza izithasiselo zokushaqeka zekhwalithi ephezulu zezinhlobo ezahlukene nezinhlobo zezimoto. Sengeze izinombolo ezintsha ezingama-26 ekusakazweni. Xhumana nathi namuhla.
ama-absorbers we-Toyota Camry 2018-2020: I-SUZUKI SWIFT 2010-2017 ngaphambili; ama-absorber okwethusayo angaphambili we-HONDA PILOT 2016-2019; I-Peugeot 307 2003-2010 ama-struts angaphambili
Mitsubishi Outlander 2007-2013 ngaphambili nangemuva ukushaqeka absorbers; MAZDA 3/6 ukushaqeka kanye struts; 2017-2022 ukumiswa kwe-KIA NIRO ukushaqeka; I-MG HS/MG 5 2021 izinto zokudonsa imoto
I-FAQ: Uyini umehluko phakathi kwama-shock absorbers nama-struts? Nginefilimu elikhanyayo lamafutha elimboza ukushaqeka noma ama-struts ami, ingabe kufanele ashintshwe?
Ngishintshe ukushaqeka / ama-struts ami; kodwa-ke, imoto yami isabanga "umsindo ogoqayo" lapho ishayela phezu kwamaqhubu. Ingabe ama-struts ami amasha / ama-sharks amibi?
Does my vehicle need to be aligned after I have my struts replaced? Email: info@leacree.com    Website: www.leacree.com

Isikhathi sokuthumela: Mar-13-2023

Thumela umlayezo wakho kithi:

Bhala umyalezo wakho lapha futhi usithumelele wona